Meet, Chileshe, a writer at My Content Pal. Because we’re always looking for top talent to join our stellar writing team, we thought we’d let you in on what it’s like to write for us. 

Please introduce yourself and describe your role at My Content Pal.


My name is Chileshe – a citizen of the world who revels in deepening his understanding of the human condition. When I’m not being all philosophical, I enjoy gaming and keeping fit. Why do I mention this? Because at MCP, as a writer, there’s a high chance that you could find yourself writing about your hobbies and interests – the work is THAT interesting. 

In short, I’m responsible for:

  • Writing and self-editing articles for clients in various niches. 
  • Conducting qualitative research.
  • Staying on top of the best industry practices
  • Writing for and communicating directly with our Dedicated Writer clients.

How did you get started in the content industry and how did you get a writer position?

The transition to the content industry came after I found myself working as a CV Writer. So, it was pretty much a lateral move. Did the initial screening test, passed, got in, and the rest is history.  

What does a typical day look like for you?

There’s no such thing as a “typical day” at My Content Pal, such is the nature of a dynamic industry like content. But, my ideal workflow would entail waking up at 7:00 (thank you remote working) to prepare for the day, clocking in a little early to handle revisions and administrative responsibilities, and then getting stuck into an article. 

Every day is different and every article is usually different, so the key to my days going according to plan is giving myself enough room to account for having to adapt. 

How do you prioritise your tasks and manage your time each day?

Prioritisation can be a little tricky with content writing, but luckily MCP has developed a system that helps you manage your tasks effectively while being aware of what should take priority. 

How do you interact with the team on a daily basis? What methods do you use to ensure effective communication and collaboration?

Being someone who leans more towards being introverted I can’t say I interact with the team all that much on a daily basis but unlike other agencies, MCP doesn’t punish you for this. We usually all interact via a laid-back Slack channel or jump on a huddle once a week. 

What are some common challenges you face, and what do you do to overcome them?

When the work is really flowing in, staying on top of your KPIs can be a bit of a balancing act, But one thing I’ve learned is to speak up and ask for help when you feel like you’re drowning. Also, keep in mind that some weeks will be better than others. 

What resources have been particularly beneficial to your growth at the company?

Craig put me on to a writing masterclass that completely changed the way I looked at content production. Since using that resource, I’ve had much fewer edits and much happier clients. 

What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

Getting to listen to my favourite songs while crafting a piece about something I’m passionate about is an awesome feeling. But then you hear positive stories and feedback from clients and that trumps that feeling. 

Overall, it’s super satisfying to put together a piece that feels like it should be up for a Pulitzer. 

What advice would you give someone who wants to become a writer in the content industry?

The environment (shared office space or home) you work in is what you should worry about the most. Writing requires comfort, so if you’re not comfortable, do something to change that. Also, don’t be intimidated by your task sheet, trust me, it’s not as scary as it looks sometimes. 

What skills or traits do you think are essential for success in this role?

If you want to be successful in this role you have to have good time management, a basic understanding of SEO principles, the ability to think critically, and grit to keep yourself going, even when things get a bit tough. 

How do you see the role of a writer changing in the future at My Content Pal?

MCP is always pushing the boundaries in terms of our service offerings. More often than not, this means finding ways to provide more value to our clients. So, in the future, writers at MCP will likely find themselves doing a lot more than writing, like helping clients develop content strategies or focusing on content design. Translation: opportunities for growth! 

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